Saturday, December 22, 2007

Fighting Spirit and God

People are amazed with the way I live with dystrophy. They say that I have a fighting spirit. But I beg to differ. The reason I am happy is because I know that I am not my body.
When one starts identifying with their body they feel miserable if they get disabled. I know that I am a soul having an experience of the human body this life time. I have been created by God in my mothers womb with a specific purpose in this life.
What is God's purpose for me ? I don't know. Only thing that I know is that HIS will, shall prevail. So, I try to understand my purpose in life and make it as close to God's purpose for me. I do not fight my disease - dystrophy. I have embraced it with open arms and a loving heart.
May be my purpose in life is to show others that we are more than our bodies. We have a divine mission and purpose. So let us do what God wants us to do - for HE knows what is best for us.
Instead for fighting our situations we should figure out how we can become Christ-like by our every day thoughts and actions and thus move on the spiritual journey to return to our heavenly Father.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hopeless and Pray more

In 1990, I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. The day that I was told about it, my mind went into an overdrive. I was told that this disease had no cure and hence there was nothing the doctors could do. So I was thinking about the hopelessness of my situation and how to deal with it.
I could have gone into depression. But somehow, I started to think about what I could do. And a thought came to my mind, that when the situation is hopeless - then pray more. So I started, saying a silent prayer asking God to give me guidance about living life with dystrophy.
To my amazement, I received my guidance in form of a feeling that Jesus was looking at me and calling me to his way. I was always a believer but not a ritualistic person. So I decided that to live with dystrophy/ disability by adhering to the Christian values.
So I always tell people when it is hopeless - pray more for divine guidance.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

God and my life story

I have muscular dystrophy. It is a degenerative disease with no cure. Still I am always positive and in cheerful spirits. So my friends wanted me to share my story with others to help them.
But I was reluctant. Finally, I accepted and started writing my story about two years ago. But some how I felt hollow and fake. I was writing about what I thought I did to live a wonderful life.
Somehow, it did not ring true to me. I frequently abandoned writing. I justified by saying who would be interested in my history?
In my heart I knew what I had to do but was avoiding it. Finally, I decided that I would write the experiences, based on my actions but include the god given guidance which actually has helped me.
So, this blog will not be secular, but will be based on my spiritual and religious experiences. It will also highlight the role God has played in my life and how Jesus has been the guiding principle to my happy purposeful life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Disability, Christ and Me

Hi, I am Edwin Fatuck and this is my blog about how Jesus has helped me live a wonderful life with disability. More of my experiences soon.