Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Prayer & God

When I think of prayer I think of the three quotations. Let me quote them as I remember them.

"Prayer is a perpetual stillness of the heart, a surrendering to yourself as an aspect of God within you. Prayer is not beseeching an entity outside us for favors, but acknowledging the presence of God with us..." - A Spiritual Warrior

"A simple prayer for the soul's journey is 'I will to will Thy will.' Such a simple form of prayer is proper, it seems, on almost any occasion.." - Ralph Blume.

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God.." - St.Paul

Prayer is a very powerful tool, that GOD has given us. But we have to remember what we are praying for. If say, a person has an illness or disability should they pray to be cured ? Or should they be praying to be healed ?

I feel that we should always pray for guidance from our Heavenly Father to grow spiritually. Also one must understand the difference between curing and healing. Cure relates to the body and healing relates to our soul.

Also when we pray it should be from the core of ones heart and with gratitude. Prayer is such an important part in our lives - one more post is warranted. More in the second part.

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