Monday, December 31, 2007

Suffering, dystrophy and God

I have muscular dystrophy.I have said "have" dystrophy. most of us, say they are suffering from muscular dystrophy. What then, is suffering? I feel we suffer when we feel we do not deserve what our condition is. Simply put, it is about what we think or what others think about us.
And that is the cause of the suffering. I have my share of pains and problems associated with muscle degeneration. I also know that God is loving and so HE would not want me to suffer. God has given me, dystrophy, because HE has a plan for me.

I don't know what that plan is, but I am sure HE will give me the grace, strength and wisdom to carry it through.With God, there are no losers provided we act as per his wishes.

When I am working for God's plan and HIS glory, how can I be suffering? More my body weakens, I find that my spirit is focused on God. My faith is growing stronger. I await the day when, having completed my purpose in human life, I go to my real home.

Hardships are for human body,so that our spirits progress in their journey. Remembering that ""Remain true to the faith. We must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God" - Acts 14:22

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thanking God

As the year draws to a close, I reflect on what a personal year it has been. I have to thank the Lord for all that I achieved in the year. As regards to the things which I did not achieve - I am sure they were not in the plan of God.

"O give thanks unto the Lord; for HE is good." -Psalm 106:1

It is time to thank the Lord for his grace and all the joy HE granted me. It is also the time for a silent prayer to HIM. I pray that I understand HIS will and work ceaselessly to bring glory to HIM.

I know that failures mean, it is not God's will. In prayer I ask him to make me HIS instrument for HIS purpose for me.

I also pray that every one find their purpose in life and thus live in harmony with God's will. Remember, Jesus is always there for you to show you the way to our heavenly Father.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happiness and God

Today I was watching a program about Happiness on BBC TV. They were explaining who their research found that people who were happier lived longer than sad people. They had a group of nuns, who were studied for happiness.

The researchers were saying that they could scientifically prove that happy people live longer. I have a spiritual take on happiness. When one is focused on God, what happens is that there is a longing to go to our Heavenly home. When we are keen to go to our final destination, unknowingly we stop being afraid of death.

When are are not afraid of death we start to really live. We are alive and this also shows up as happiness. Also happiness leads to a sense of fulfillment. Many people say away from God and HIS love, because they feel they have to give up many things. But this is not true.
When you become truly God-centered it is then you start to understand, what true happiness is. In God, our happiness is not limited but expanded.
Remember, "I come that they might have life, and they might have it more abundantly."- John 10:10. Understand Jesus came to us, so that we have a fulfilling and happy purposeful life.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Relationship with Christ

Yesterday I visited a page by Shelly Weiss about Living with Disability. I was happy to note that there was some one like me, who was happy and feeling proud to have a special relationship with Jesus Christ.

She has articulated her thoughts clearly. Her thoughts on non-discrimination resonated with my own thoughts.

I was happy, that someone wrote of their special relationship with Jesus Christ and how it is helping them to live with disability. I feel we can face any kind of challenges, if we are true to the faith and have the special mentor in Jesus Christ.
I shall post the link to the article, when I find it.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Surrender to God

Let me quote from the Bible, particularly Romans 6:13 "Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God."

This is very interesting. It asks us to yield to the wishes of God. When we understand surrender, we feel like a loser. It need not be that way. When we surrender to God completely, then in fast we are on the winning side. I understand that surrendering to God means being HIS slave.

We do not like any form of slavery (given our experience with it). but this is no human slavery but a divine one. We are ready to be servants, but not slaves. When we are servants, we want to serve two masters - God and money. And we must understand that God accepts only exclusive servitude. When we serve only God, we need serve no other master. It is in absolute surrender to God's will, can we find total freedom in our life.

When we surrender to God, we stay focused on him and thus cannot deviate from our purpose in life. So if one has to surrender in life, why not surrender to God instead of disability or other human problems

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Divine strength

I have muscular dystrophy and as such my body is becoming weak. But, still I am in high spirits. How come I am able to do that? Let me share a secret with you.

I have a simple assumption for my life - God is always helping me. Remember what is said in the Bible "If God be for us, who can be against us" - Romans 8:31. This is my thinking. God is there for me and if HE is on my side there is nothing which can stand in my way.

But how do I get the strength to move ahead on my life's journey ? Simple. I use the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not my power, but I use the power of Jesus, which gives me my spiritual strength.
It has been said in the holy book, just remember it "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." - Philippians 4:13. So my friends remember, we can achieve much more in life only if we use the divine strength which is always there for us to claim.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas and Gifts

Merry Christmas !!! It is the season of holidays and giving. We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. We give our friends and family and others various gifts. That spirit of giving is wonderful. God loves the spirit of giving. But stop for a moment.

Have you ever considered about what you can gift to Jesus ? You might say what an absurd idea. Giving to Jesus ? Why not, I say. But what can we gift to the Son of God - who has every thing. The only gift we can give to Jesus our saviour is our commitment to live our lives as commanded in the holy book - THE HOLY BIBLE.

The greatest birthday gift by which we can please Jesus, is by living true to Christian values.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy and purpose driven new year 2008.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Spirit of Giving and Disability

It is the festive season. Christmas the festival of sharing and giving. Many people feel that they have nothing to give because of their physical condition. Disability is not a deterrent to giving. You only have to think about how you can give and you will receive guidance.

Let me share my experience about giving. I have dystrophy and thus do not leave my house. Physically I can't give any thing. What I feel is that we can only give that which we have got. Hence, I give my time and unconditional attention to all those who want it. Giving for me is not about money or things. Giving also has to be unconditional. Another name for giving is also Love for me.
God gives me because of his grace, not because I deserve it or I have earned it. In the spirit of the season, start giving. If you have no one to share your giving, say a silent prayer for some one. Bless someone good health and happiness.
Wishing you all A Merry Christmas and Happy and fulfilling purposeful life. Amen.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

God-centered Living

If one has to be liberated in the true sense, then one must start living a life focused on God. As human beings we feel that we are a body. But truth is that we are souls whose ultimate aim is to unite with our heavenly father.
If we live thinking that we are the body and get attached to it, then we are in big trouble. This kind of thinking is called as body-centered living. If you are a body, then you can be disabled. But if you are a Soul, then you can never be disabled.
When you start thinking only of God and how you can fulfill his plan for you, then you begin to live in a God centered life. The best liberation from physical disability of the body is the focused attention on God's plan for us.
How do we understand God's plan for us ? We don't understand. But by being focused on God we will be guided to fulfill our divine task in this human life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Fighting Spirit and God

People are amazed with the way I live with dystrophy. They say that I have a fighting spirit. But I beg to differ. The reason I am happy is because I know that I am not my body.
When one starts identifying with their body they feel miserable if they get disabled. I know that I am a soul having an experience of the human body this life time. I have been created by God in my mothers womb with a specific purpose in this life.
What is God's purpose for me ? I don't know. Only thing that I know is that HIS will, shall prevail. So, I try to understand my purpose in life and make it as close to God's purpose for me. I do not fight my disease - dystrophy. I have embraced it with open arms and a loving heart.
May be my purpose in life is to show others that we are more than our bodies. We have a divine mission and purpose. So let us do what God wants us to do - for HE knows what is best for us.
Instead for fighting our situations we should figure out how we can become Christ-like by our every day thoughts and actions and thus move on the spiritual journey to return to our heavenly Father.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hopeless and Pray more

In 1990, I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. The day that I was told about it, my mind went into an overdrive. I was told that this disease had no cure and hence there was nothing the doctors could do. So I was thinking about the hopelessness of my situation and how to deal with it.
I could have gone into depression. But somehow, I started to think about what I could do. And a thought came to my mind, that when the situation is hopeless - then pray more. So I started, saying a silent prayer asking God to give me guidance about living life with dystrophy.
To my amazement, I received my guidance in form of a feeling that Jesus was looking at me and calling me to his way. I was always a believer but not a ritualistic person. So I decided that to live with dystrophy/ disability by adhering to the Christian values.
So I always tell people when it is hopeless - pray more for divine guidance.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

God and my life story

I have muscular dystrophy. It is a degenerative disease with no cure. Still I am always positive and in cheerful spirits. So my friends wanted me to share my story with others to help them.
But I was reluctant. Finally, I accepted and started writing my story about two years ago. But some how I felt hollow and fake. I was writing about what I thought I did to live a wonderful life.
Somehow, it did not ring true to me. I frequently abandoned writing. I justified by saying who would be interested in my history?
In my heart I knew what I had to do but was avoiding it. Finally, I decided that I would write the experiences, based on my actions but include the god given guidance which actually has helped me.
So, this blog will not be secular, but will be based on my spiritual and religious experiences. It will also highlight the role God has played in my life and how Jesus has been the guiding principle to my happy purposeful life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Disability, Christ and Me

Hi, I am Edwin Fatuck and this is my blog about how Jesus has helped me live a wonderful life with disability. More of my experiences soon.