Monday, January 21, 2008

Perfection & God

Most of the persons with disability feel that they are not "perfect" or are imperfect. My question to them is "Do you believe in God?". Because if you believe in GOD you cannot accept being not perfect. So it can mean you do not believe in GOD or believe in GOD and think that HE can create something which is less than perfect.

"Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.." - Jesus said.

We have to understand that we are perfect as we are. Our body may be challenged but still we are perfect. Why am I saying that ? Because, I feel that GOD has given me a perfect body to live with muscular dystrophy. Since HIS purpose for me is known to him, HE has given me perfect tool - my body to accomplish the mission.

If we are focused on GOD's plan for us and are ready to receive HIS guidance, then we will try to be with his will. Like Vincent de Paul says "Perfection consists in one thing alone, which is doing the will of GOD.."

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