Sunday, December 23, 2007

God-centered Living

If one has to be liberated in the true sense, then one must start living a life focused on God. As human beings we feel that we are a body. But truth is that we are souls whose ultimate aim is to unite with our heavenly father.
If we live thinking that we are the body and get attached to it, then we are in big trouble. This kind of thinking is called as body-centered living. If you are a body, then you can be disabled. But if you are a Soul, then you can never be disabled.
When you start thinking only of God and how you can fulfill his plan for you, then you begin to live in a God centered life. The best liberation from physical disability of the body is the focused attention on God's plan for us.
How do we understand God's plan for us ? We don't understand. But by being focused on God we will be guided to fulfill our divine task in this human life.

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