Friday, January 11, 2008

Gratitude and God

I have dystrophy, so I am supposed to be bitter about life. But I am happy with my life the way it is at this moment. So how does one develop a happiness attitude ? Simple, just stay centered in GOD.
We must stay focused on GOD and HIS plan for us. Then even though we may not understand HIS plan, we can be sure that all that is necessary to fulfill that plan has been given. When we develop this attitude, we can be grateful that GOD has plans and provisions for us.

Dystrophy is just a side show for me in the greater glory of GOD's plan for me. I live with a sense of gratefulness with what I have got. A loving and caring close knit family, few but dependable friends who will do anything for my well-being. God through my father's legacy has provided for me and my mother - financially.

When we focus on what we have and feel grateful to GOD for all we have, we tend to stay happy. So live focusing on GOD and with gratitude for you have and pray for others.

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